Data Privacy Statements
Your privacy is important. Please find below our Privacy statements for data used in our clinic and on our website. They are in both English and Dutch.
Your privacy is important. Please find below our Privacy statements for data used in our clinic and on our website. They are in both English and Dutch.
In these regulations:
2. Range
1.This regulation applies to the fully or partially automated processing of personal data. It also applies to the non-automated processing of personal data included in a file or intended to be included therein.
2.This regulation relates to the processing of personal data of mainly clients, but may also apply to employees.
3. Purpose
1. The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to have the data necessary for the realization of legal purposes as well as the purposes as described in the service description of the care provider and the pursuit of policy and management within the framework of these purposes.
2.The purposes for which data are collected and processed are explicitly described in the service description attached as an annex.
4. Representation of the person involved
1.If the person concerned is a minor and has not yet reached the age of sixteen years or if the person concerned is of age and has been placed under guardianship or a mentorship has been established for the person concerned, the consent of the person concerned requires the permission of his/her legal representative. The permission is recorded in writing. If the person concerned has issued a written authorization with regard to his/her representation to the processor, permission must also be given by the written representative.
2.A consent may be withdrawn at any time by the person concerned, his / her written representative or his / her legal representative.
5. Responsibility for management and liability
1. The controller is responsible for the proper functioning of the processing and management of the data; Under the responsibility of the controller, a manager is usually charged with the actual management of the personal data, but this is not compulsory for small-scale personal data processing as is the case with the care provider.
2. The responsible party ensures that appropriate technical and organizational measures are implemented to protect against any loss or any form of unlawful processing of data.
3. The responsibility referred to in paragraph 1 and the provisions of paragraph 2 shall remain unaffected if the processing takes place by a processor; this is regulated in an agreement (or by means of another legal act) between the processor and the controller.
4. The controller is liable for the damage or the disadvantage caused by non-compliance with the regulations from the law or these regulations. The processor is liable for that damage or that disadvantage, in so far as this / that has arisen due to his / her actions.
6. Lawful processing
1. Personal data shall be processed in a transparent manner and in accordance with the law and these regulations in a proper and careful manner.
2. Personal data shall only be collected for the purposes referred to in these regulations and shall not be further processed in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which they were obtained.
3. Personal data must be adequate and relevant in view of the purposes for which they are collected or subsequently processed; no more personal data needs to be collected or processed than is necessary for the purpose of the registration.
4. Personal data may only be processed if:
the person concerned has given unambiguous consent to the processing;
ode data processing is necessary for the execution of an agreement in which the party concerned is a party (for example the employment contract with the person concerned) or for acts, at the request of the party concerned, which are necessary for the conclusion of an agreement;
5. The registration of the citizen service number will only take place if there is a legal basis for this and / or that a form of care is given to the person concerned by the controller or the processor.
6. Anyone who acts under the authority of the controller or the processor – and also the processor himself – only processes personal data on the instructions of the controller, except in case of deviating legal obligations.
7.The data will only be processed by persons who are obliged to observe secrecy on the basis of office, profession, statutory regulation or on the basis of an agreement.
7. Processing of personal data
1. The processing takes place by social workers or service providers in so far as this is necessary for the proper treatment or care of the person concerned, or management of the institution or professional practice concerned.
2. The processing takes place with the explicit consent of the person concerned.
3. The processing shall take place at the request of an insurer insofar as this is necessary for the assessment of the risk to be insured by the insurer, or insofar as this is necessary for the performance of an insurance contract.
4. Without the client’s consent, data on the patient may be provided for statistical or scientific research in the field of public health if:
a. question of permission is not reasonably possible and with respect to the execution of the investigation there are such guarantees that the privacy of the client is not disproportionately harmed, or
b. The request for permission, given the nature and purpose of the investigation, can not reasonably be required and the care provider has ensured that the data are provided in such a form that redirection to individual persons is reasonably prevented. Provision is only possible if:
c. the research serves the public interest;
the research can not be carried out without the relevant data and
e. in so far as the client concerned has not expressly objected to a provision.
5. The prohibition to process special data as referred to in Article 8 shall not apply insofar as this is necessary in addition to the processing of personal data about a person’s health with a view to proper treatment or care of the person concerned.
8. Special personal data
1. The processing of personal data concerning a person’s religion or belief, race, political opinion, health, sexual life, membership of a trade union or personal data of criminal law is prohibited, except in the cases where the law expressly determines by whom, for what purpose and under what conditions such data may be processed (Articles 17 to 22 of the Act).
2. The prohibition referred to in the previous paragraph applies, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 17 to 22 of the Act, not in so far as there is an exception as referred to in Article 23 of the Act.
9. Data acquisition
Data obtained from the person concerned
1. If the personal data is obtained from the data subject himself, the data controller shall inform the data subject before the moment of acquisition:
2. The controller shall provide the data subject with further information insofar as – having regard to the nature of the data, the circumstances under which it was acquired or the use to which it is made – is necessary in order to ensure proper and careful processing of the data subject.
3. When obtaining data outside the data subject, the data controller shall inform the data subject:
The moment at which that must happen is:
4. The controller shall provide further information insofar as – having regard to the nature of the data, the circumstances under which it is acquired or the use to which it is made – is necessary in order to ensure proper and careful processing of the data subject.
5. The provisions under 3 shall not apply if the communication referred to therein proves impossible or requires a disproportionate effort. In that case, the controller records the origin of the data.
6. The provisions under 3 also do not apply if the recording or provision is prescribed by or pursuant to the law. In that case, the responsible party must inform the person concerned at his /her request about the legal requirement that has led to the recording or provision of the relevant data.
10. Right of access
1. The data subject has the right to take cognizance of the processed data relating to the person and may receive a copy thereof.
2. The controller shall inform each person at their request – as soon as possible but no later than four weeks after receipt of the request – in writing whether personal data relating to him are being processed.
3. If this is the case, the responsible party shall provide the applicant with a complete overview of this information in writing – as soon as possible but no later than four weeks after receipt of the request – with information about the purpose or objectives of the data processing, data or categories. of data covered by the processing, the recipients or categories of recipients of the data as well as the origin of the data.
4. If an important interest of the applicant so requires, the controller shall comply with the request in a form other than the written form adapted to that interest.
5. The controller may refuse to comply with a request if and in so far as this is necessary in connection with:
11. Provision of personal data
1. In principle, the provision of personal data to a third party will only take place with the permission of the person concerned or his / her representative, subject to a statutory provision or the state of emergency.
If the controller provides personal information to third parties without the permission of the person concerned or his / her legal representative, the responsible party involved or his / her legal representative shall immediately inform the person concerned, unless this is dangerous for persons and / or cases.
12. Right to correction, addition, removal
1. At the written request of a data subject, the controller shall correct, supplement, remove and / or protect (the forgetfulness) the personal data processed about the applicant, if and insofar as this data is factually incorrect, for the purpose of the processing incomplete are not relevant or include more than is necessary for the purpose of the registration or otherwise processed in violation of a statutory provision. The data subject’s request contains the changes to be made.
2. The responsible party informs the applicant in writing as soon as possible, but no later than four weeks after receipt of the request, whether he complies with it. If he does not want to comply or does not fully comply with it, he motivates that. In this connection, the applicant has the opportunity to turn to the complaints committee of the controller.
3. The responsible party ensures that a decision to improve, supplement, remove and / or protect within 14 working days, and when this is not reasonably possible otherwise, as soon as possible afterwards.
13. Storage of data
1. Personal data are no longer stored in a form that makes it possible to identify the data subject, than is necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they are collected or subsequently edited.
2. The controller will determine how long the recorded personal data will be retained.
3. The retention period for medical and / or healthcare data is in principle fifteen years, starting from the time at which they were manufactured, or as much longer as reasonably ensues from the care of a good care provider or responsible person.
4. Data of a non-medical nature shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they are collected or subsequently processed, unless they are kept for historical, statistical or scientific purposes only. If the relevant data have been processed in such a way that it can not be traced back to individual persons, they can be kept in an anonymous form.
5. If the retention period of the personal data has expired or the data subject requests removal prior to the expiry of the retention period, the relevant medical data shall be deleted within a period of three months.
7. However, removal will be omitted if it can reasonably be assumed that
15. Complaints scheme
If the person concerned is of the opinion that the provisions of these regulations are not complied with, he can address:
16. Changes in effect and copy
1. Changes in these regulations are made by the responsible person. The changes to the regulations take effect four weeks after they have been made known to those involved.
2. This regulation can be viewed by the controller. If desired, a copy of these regulations can be obtained at cost price.
17. Unforeseen
In cases not provided for in these regulations, the controller decides, with due observance of the provisions of the law and the purpose and scope of these regulations.
1. Webhosting Hosting and management
The website [] is hosted by [Antagonist BV] the contact details can be found on their website. Website maintenance is performed by .
2. Information from visitors
a.Some data resulting from one or more visits to [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] are kept permanently, but anonymously. The data will therefore never be traceable to a person or organization.
[Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] ensures good security of the stored data.
a. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] uses functional cookies to optimize the functionality of certain pages of the website. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the visitor’s computer by a page of the website. Such a cookie stores information such as certain preferences of the visitor. As a result, [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] can better serve the visitor on a next visit, for example by checking which domain names the visitor has checked and saved. You do not have to enter the same information every time. This makes the site much more user-friendly.
b. The visitor can decide for himself how cookies should be handled. He or she can set his or her browser so that it does not allow, allow or partially allow the use of functional cookies. In the latter case, it is possible to set which websites may place functional cookies. It will then be prohibited for all other websites. This option is provided by the most common modern browsers.
c. Cookies can always be removed from a computer, again via the browser.
d. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] also uses marketing cookies to make the communication of [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] both on her own site and on her partner sites more personal and better attuned to the wishes of the individual customer.
e. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] uses Analytics cookies that do not process the surfing behavior of individuals but of large numbers of visitors – anonymised – into graphs and patterns that help to improve and optimize websites.
4. Questions
Visitors can contact [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] with their questions about this Privacy Policy, the contact details are listed on the website mentioned in article 1 of this Privacy Policy.
5. Disclaimer
[Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] is entitled to change the content of the Privacy Policy without the visitor being informed. The implementation of the change on the website is sufficient for this.
6. Data provided by the customer
[Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] can use the data provided by the customer for the following purposes:
a. Processing the contact and registration forms.
b. The sending of one or more e-mails that relate to the ordered, such as, but not limited to, an e-mail containing login details.
c. (occasionally) bringing the attention of a product, tip, dexterity, etc. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] thinks it can contribute to a more successful website for the customer.
d. Provide data to third parties
Data provided by the customer to [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] will never be passed on to third parties. There is one exception to this: When a court order has been issued to provide information.
8. Security
The information that the client provides to [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] is stored in a secure environment.
In dit reglement wordt verstaan onder:
2. Bereik
3. Doel
4. Vertegenwoordiging betrokkene
5. Verantwoordelijkheid voor het beheer en aansprakelijkheid
6. Rechtmatige verwerking
7. Verwerking van persoonsgegevens
8. Bijzondere persoonsgegevens
9. Gegevensverwerving
Gegevens verkregen bij betrokkene
Het moment waarop dat moet gebeuren is:
10. Recht op inzage
11. Verstrekking van persoonsgegevens
12. Recht op correctie, aanvulling, verwijdering
13. Bewaren van gegevens
15. Klachten regeling
Indien de betrokkene van mening is dat de bepalingen van dit reglement niet worden nageleefd, kan hij zich richten tot:
17. Onvoorzien
In gevallen waarin dit reglement niet voorziet, beslist de verantwoordelijke, met inachtneming van het bepaalde in de wet en het doel en de strekking van dit reglement.
1. Webhost Beheer
De website [] staat onder Webhosting beheer van [Antagonist BV] de contactgegevens zijn te vinden op voornoemde website. Website maintenance zijn van .
2. Gegevens van bezoekers
a. Sommige gegevens die voortkomen uit één of meer bezoeken aan [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor ] worden permanent bewaard, maar wel anoniem. De gegevens zullen dus nooit te herleiden zijn naar een persoon of organisatie.
b. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] zorgt voor een goede beveiliging van de opgeslagen gegevens.
3. Cookies
a. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] maakt gebruik van functionele cookies om de functionaliteit van bepaalde pagina’s van de website te optimaliseren. Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die door een pagina van de website op de computer van de bezoeker worden geplaatst. In zo’n cookie wordt informatie opgeslagen zoals bepaalde voorkeuren van de bezoeker. Daardoor kan [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] de bezoeker bij een volgend bezoek nog beter van dienst zijn, door bijvoorbeeld na te gaan welke domeinnamen de bezoeker gecheckt en bewaard heeft. Je hoeft dan ook niet telkens opnieuw dezelfde informatie in te vullen. Hierdoor wordt de site veel gebruiksvriendelijker.
b. De bezoeker kan zelf bepalen hoe er met cookies omgegaan moet worden. Hij of zij kan zijn of haar browser zo instellen dat die het gebruik van functionele cookies toestaat, niet toestaat of gedeeltelijk toestaat. In dit laatste geval kan worden ingesteld welke websites functionele cookies mogen plaatsen. Bij alle overige websites wordt het dan verboden. Deze mogelijkheid wordt door de meest gebruikte moderne browsers geboden.
c. Cookies kunnen altijd van een computer worden verwijderd, ook weer via de browser.
d. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] maakt ook gebruik van marketingcookies om de communicatie van [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] zowel op haar eigen site als op haar partnersites persoonlijker te maken en beter af te stemmen op de wensen van de individuele klant.
e. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] maakt gebruik van Analytics cookies waarmee niet het surfgedrag van individuen maar van grote aantallen bezoekers – geanonimiseerd – worden verwerkt tot grafieken en patronen die helpen om websites te verbeteren en te optimaliseren.
4. Vragen
Bezoekers kunnen met hun vragen over deze Privacy Policy terecht bij [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor], de contactgegevens staan vermeld op de website die genoemd wordt in artikel 1 van deze Privacy Policy.
5. Disclaimer
[Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] is gerechtigd de inhoud van de Privacy Policy te wijzigen zonder dat de bezoeker daarvan op de hoogte wordt gesteld. Het doorvoeren van de wijziging op de website is daarvoor afdoende.
6. Gegevens die door de klant verstrekt worden [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] kan de gegevens die door de klant verstrekt worden voor de volgende doeleinden gebruiken:
a. Het verwerken van de Contact en STEP Inschrijfformulieren.
b. Het sturen van één of meerdere mails die betrekking hebben op het bestelde, zoals, maar niet beperkt tot, een mail waarin inloggegevens vermeld staan.
c. Het (incidenteel) onder de aandacht brengen van een product, tip, handigheid et cetera, waarvan [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] denkt dat het kan bijdragen tot een meer succesvolle website voor de klant.
d. Gegevens verstrekken aan derden
Gegevens die door de klant aan [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] zijn verstrekt zullen nooit aan derden worden doorgegeven. Er is hier één uitzondering op: Wanneer er een gerechtelijk bevel is uitgevaardigd om gegevens te verstrekken.
7. Beveiliging
De gegevens die de klant aan [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] verstrekt, worden in een beveiligde omgeving opgeslagen.
8. Aanpassing van klantgegevens
De klant heeft te allen tijde de mogelijkheid om de verstrekte gegevens te wijzigen. [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] kan de klant in een dergelijk geval vragen om de wijziging op een door [Ingrid Andreas Childtherapist-Family Counselor] voorgeschreven wijze door te geven en in sommige gevallen kan legitimatie worden verlangd.