MMN Evening Presentation How to deal with your Innersaboteurs?
Date: Tuesday, November 6th
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm
Location: ABF building
‘You like to Balance your Expat Life and Work Through Coaching? What Is Keeping You Away From Reaching Your True Goals?
Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about your own innersaboteurs that might stop you from what you really would like to accomplish in life and how you can help your child/teenager to have a positive outlook aswell.
Our Guest Speaker, Ingrid Masselink Andreas (ILM) Life & Work Coach and Child/Teenage Counselor will give a talk about the key benefits of Life and Work balance and the spin-off that it has for a better family life. Get an inside on your own obstacles by watching a great video presentation and discussion afterwards
Balance in your Life and Work through Coaching
Dates: March 15, March 22, March 29, April 5 2018
Duration: 4 x 1.5 hours course
Time: 9:00 – 10:30am
Description: In this course I give a brief explanation what Coaching is, use coaching materials to identify personal goals and needs, explore what is keeping them away from reaching these goals by explaining the phenomena “inner saboteurs”. Great for individuals who are READY for more personal success, fulfillment and joy in their lives.
Cost: 95 euro including training materials
Location: American School of The Hague (ASH) Adult ED ABF building, Ammonslaantje 1, 2241 BP Wassenaar
Systematic Training For Effective Parenting Workshop
Dates: Tuesdays: March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3 2018
Duration: 4 x 2 hour courses
Time: 9:00 – 11:00am
Description: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting is four, 2 hour session workshops for Parents to enhance their Parenting Skills.
Topics included: Understanding Yourself and Your Child, Understanding Beliefs and Feelings, Encouraging your Child and Yourself, Listening and Talking to Your Child, Helping Children to Cooperate and Discipline that Makes Sense.
Cost: 150 euro including STEP training manual
Location: American School of The Hague (ASH) Adult ED ABF building, Ammonslaantje 1, 2241 BP Wassenaar